Réttarhöldin yfir Guði

Elie Wiesel er Nóbelsverðlaunahafi, prófessor og rithöfundur af gyðingaættum, fæddur árið 1928. Hann lifði af helförina. Hann lýsir því hvernig honum leið, kvöldið sem hann kom í þýsku útrýmingabúðirnar í Birkenau í bók sinni "Nóttin" (La Nuit).

"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never." (Úr bókinni "Nóttin" eftir Elie Wiesel, bls 34)

Bókin og leikritið "Réttarhöldin yfir Guði" eru sögð byggja á atburði sem Wiesel sá í Auschwitz, þar sem hann sá þrjá gyðinga, sem voru að dauða komnir, halda réttarhöld yfir Guði. Eftirfarandi atriði úr leikritinu er afar áhrifamikið og vel leikið. Textinn sem leikararnir fara með er birtur hér fyrir neðan.

Rabbi Akiba: Who led us out of Egypt?

Judge: God led us out of Egypt.

Rabbi: I have a question. Why were we in Egypt to start with?

Judge: There was a famine, so we took shelter.

Rabbi: Who sent the famine?

Judge: Well we don't know much about the famine...

Rabbi: God sent the famine. So God sent us to Egypt and God took us out of Egypt.

Judge: And later he sent us out of Babylon in order that we might...

Rabbi: And when he brought us out of Egypt, how did he do it? By words, vision, miracle?

Judge: Moses asked Pharaoh...

Rabbi: And when Pharaoh said no?

Inmate: The plagues.

Rabbi: First Moses turned the Egyptians' water to blood. Then God sent the plague of frogs; next a plague of mosquitoes; then a plague of flies. Then he slew their livestock. Next a plague of boils. Next came the hail, which battered down the crops and even the trees and structures everywhere, except in Goshen where the Israelites lived.

Judge: But still Pharaoh did not agree.

Rabbi: And so a plague of locusts, and then the days of darkness, and finally what?

Judge: God slew the firstborn of Egypt and led us out of Egypt.

Rabbi: He struck down the firstborn, from the firstborn and heir of Pharaoh to the firstborn of the slave at the mill. He slew them all. Did he slay Pharaoh?

Judge: No, I don't think so. It was later.

Rabbi: It was Pharaoh that said no, but God let him live. And slew his children instead. All the children. And then the people made their escape taking with them the gold and silver and jewelry and garments of the Egyptians. And then God drowned the soldiers who pursued them. He did not close the waters up so that the soldier could not follow. He waited until they were following and then he closed the waters. And then what?

Judge: And then the desert and ultimately the promised land.

Rabbi: No. The promised land was empty and a new place, uncultivated.

Judge: No. There were...

Rabbi: When the Lord thy God shall bring you into the promised land you shall cast out many nations before you, nations much greater and mightier than you are. You shall smite them and utterly destroy them. Make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them.

Inmate: It shows us his favor. We are his people.

Rabbi: And he gave us a king in Saul. Now when the people of Amalek fought Saul's people, what did the Lord God command? I'll ask the scholar.

Scholar: Crush Amalek and put him under the curse of destruction.

Rabbi: Was Saul to show any mercy to spare anyone?

Scholar: Do not spare...

Rabbi: Do not spare him, but kill. Kill man, woman, babe, and suckling, ox, and sheep, cattle and donkey. So Saul set out to do this and on the way he met some Kenites. Now these were not Amalek's people, he had no quarrel with them. He urged them to flee. And the Lord our God was he pleased by the mercy of Saul, by the justice of Saul?

Scholar: No. No he wasn't.

Rabbi: And when Saul decided not to slaughter all the livestock and to take it to feed his people, was God pleased with his prudence, his charity?

Scholar: No.

Rabbi: No, he was not. He said, you have rejected the word of Adonai, therefore he has rejected you as king. And then to please the Lord our God, Samuel brought forth the king Agar and hacked him to pieces before the Lord at Gilgar.

After Saul there came David who took Bathsheba the wife of Uriah the Hittite to himself after arranging to have Uriah killed -- against the wishes of God. Did God strike David for this?

Scholar: In a manner of speaking...

Rabbi: Did he strike Bathsheba?

Scholar: In the sense that when they had...

Rabbi: Adonai said, since you have sinned against me, the child will die. (Turning to the judge) You asked earlier, who would punish a child? God does.

Rabbi: Now did the child die suddenly, mercifully, without pain?

Scholar: In a...

Rabbi: Seven days. Seven days that child spent dying in pain while David wrapped himself in sack and ashes and fasted and sought to show his sorrow to God. Did God listen?

Scholar: The child died.

Rabbi: Did that child find that God was just?

Did the Amalekites think that Adonai was just?

Did the mothers of Egypt -- the mothers -- did they think that Adonai was just?

Scholar: But Adonai is our God, surely...

Rabbi: Oh, what? Did God not make the Egyptians? Did he not make their rivers and make their crops grow? If not him, then who? What? Some other God? But what did he make them for? To punish them? To starve, to frighten, to slaughter them? The people of Amalek, the people of Egypt, what was it like for them when Adonai turned against them? It was like this.

Today there was a selection, yes? When David defeated the Moabites, what did he do?

Judge: He made them lie on the ground in lines and he chose one to live and two to die.

Rabbi: We have become the Moabites. We are learning how it was for the Amalekites. They faced extinction at the hand of Adonai. They died for his purpose. They fell as we are falling. They were afraid as we are afraid. And what did they learn? They learned that Adonai, the Lord our God, our God, is not good. He is not good. He was not ever good. He was only on our side.

God is not good. At the beginning when he repented that he had made human beings and flooded the earth. Why? What had they done to deserve annihilation? What could they have done to deserve such wholesale slaughter? What could they have done that was so bad? God is not good.

When he asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Abraham should have said no. We should have taught our God the justice that was in our hearts. We should have stood up to him. He is not good. He has simply been strong. He has simply been on our side.

When we were brought here, we were brought by train. A guard slapped my face. On their belts they had written "Got mit uns" -- God is with us. Who is to say that he is not? Perhaps he is. Is there any other explanation? What we see here: his power, his majesty, his might, all these things that turned against us. He is still God, but not our God. He has become our enemy.

That is what's happened to our covenant. He has made a new covenant with someone else.


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1 Smámynd: Jónas Jónasson

Sæll minn kæri!  Þú búinn að henda út gömlu innréttingunum líka?

Vissir þú að allir menn hafa 6 skylningarvitið en trúarbrögðin halda huganum stöðugt við efnið til að þú komist síður að sannleikanum?

Jónas Jónasson, 18.2.2009 kl. 13:13

2 Smámynd: Sindri Guðjónsson

Texti leikarana copí peistaður héðan.

Sindri Guðjónsson, 18.2.2009 kl. 13:13

3 Smámynd: Sindri Guðjónsson

Gömlu innréttingunum? Hvað áttu við? :-)

Ég tel reyndar annars að ég sé bara með fimm skilningarvit...

Sindri Guðjónsson, 18.2.2009 kl. 13:14

4 Smámynd: Jónas Jónasson

Ok þú hefur kanski ekki gengið svo langt. Innréttingar  = Öllu hugmynda og hræðsluáróðursdraslinu?  það er svo fyndið að það þora fáir að ræða þetta mál.

En Þú ert með 6 eins og allir aðrir. Hefur þér einhvern tíman heyrt símann hringja og þú vissir hver það var? þetta er 6 skilningarvitið því minna sem þú hugsar því meira heyrirðu.

How to develop your sixth sense

Everyone has it.
Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive.
This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body.

Nothing to fear.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons. Thanks to the media and to religion, it has been misrepresented and as a result, people associate the spirit world with fear and trepidation. A person has more to fear going to their car in the parking lot after work than from those souls in the spirit world. Contrary to the media’s misrepresentations, those in spirit do not have physical bodies to carry out evil deeds like some thug in a parking lot.

It is scientific.
Every human being is equipped from birth with what they need to communicate with the spirit world from where they came, and to where they will eventually go when they give up their physical body. This is the same scientific phenomenon that works in the transmission of electronic information such as the television or radio. These require that you tune into a particular band or frequency to get the program that you want. The sixth sense is similar in that it requires tuning in to another person’s frequency or to the frequency of someone in the spirit world. Electronic tuning is done through electronic means that is mechanical in nature. Spiritual tuning is done through the brain with mental focus, intent and desire being the means.

Mental tuning.
Although, tuning by mental focus is inconsistent and capricious, while electronic tuning is reliable, consistent and tangible, it is no less scientific. The difference being that psychic and medium communication is in its infancy as far as future development goes. It has a scientific basis for its manifestation because all things that happen work according to scientific laws, even by laws that haven’t been discovered yet. Consider technology that we take for granted, anyone that would have predicted one hundred years ago where we would be today, would have been laughed to scorn. So it is with mediums and communication with the so-called dead, it is a science in its infancy.

You’ve already had contact.
One doesn’t have to be a practiced medium or an ordained saint to make contact with the souls from the spirit world. At one time or another, everyone that is alive today has seen them, heard from them, been touched by them, smelled them, either while in the waking state or through a dream. Those that can’t recall having the experience are not aware of the signs or, because of fear and ignorance programmed through religion, are in denial. This is the first step in development of your sixth sense, recognizing the times that you have been touched by those in the spirit world.

Jónas Jónasson, 18.2.2009 kl. 13:42

5 Smámynd: Sindri Guðjónsson

" Hefur þér einhvern tíman heyrt símann
hringja og þú vissir hver það var?"

Stöku sinnum, en ég hef lent í því að heyra símann hringja, og HALDA að ég vissi hver væri að hringja, og haft rangt fyrir mér. Eflaust jafn oft. Ég virðist alveg hafa misst þörfina á að hafa samskipti við nokkurn andaheim, enda vantrúaður á allt slíkt. :-)

Sindri Guðjónsson, 18.2.2009 kl. 14:01

6 Smámynd: Jónas Jónasson

Fyrirgefðu, ég ætlaði mér ekki að hræða þig.

Jónas Jónasson, 18.2.2009 kl. 14:14

7 Smámynd: Sindri Guðjónsson

Ég er alveg óhræddur.

Sindri Guðjónsson, 18.2.2009 kl. 14:15

8 Smámynd: Kristinn Theódórsson

Þetta er alveg dásamlegt blaður Jónas. Ég er alveg lafhræddur, allavega ef efasemdir = ótti.

Ég er með 7. skilningsvitið: getuna til að skynja hvað það 6. er mikið bull, án þess að þurfa að spá í það nema augnablik!



Kristinn Theódórsson, 19.2.2009 kl. 15:00

9 Smámynd: Jónas Jónasson

þið eruð ágætir, en við erum samt allir sammála hvað varðar trúarbrögðin en ég er ekki alveg að átta mig á því hvernig þið nennið að lesa og skrifa endalaust um þessa  þvælu.

Hugurinn er hinn mikli skapari óhgunaðar himins og jarðar og eitt illræmdasta verk hugans kallast Guð. 

Jónas Jónasson, 19.2.2009 kl. 16:30

10 Smámynd: Sindri Guðjónsson

"ég er ekki alveg að átta mig á því hvernig þið nennið að lesa og skrifa endalaust um þessa þvælu" - Jónas Jónasson

Ekki ég heldur, fremur óhefðbundið áhugamál. Get samt ekki að því gert, ég hef gaman að því að velta þessu fyrir mér, einhverra hluta vegna.

Sindri Guðjónsson, 20.2.2009 kl. 08:56

11 Smámynd: Jónas Jónasson

Biblian er mikið listaverk.

Jónas Jónasson, 20.2.2009 kl. 09:16

12 Smámynd: Sindri Guðjónsson

Já, hún er það á köflum.

Sindri Guðjónsson, 20.2.2009 kl. 09:29

14 Smámynd: Tinna Gunnarsdóttir Gígja

Skilningarvitin eru mun fleiri en 5 (eða sex eða sjö ef út í það er farið), eða á milli 9 og 21.

Tinna Gunnarsdóttir Gígja, 22.2.2009 kl. 20:44

Bæta við athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.

Um bloggið

Sindri Guðjónsson


Sindri Guðjónsson
Sindri Guðjónsson

Ég heiti Sindri! Ég er trúlaus, og blogga hér aðallega um Biblíuna. (Ég er að vísu sem betur fer hættur þessu stússi)


Þú getur haft samband: sindri79(a)gmail.com

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